Aegean Airlines

Customer Reviews

4 star Skytrax Rating
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Seat Comfort 12345
Staff Service 12345
Value for Money 12345
Customer rating from 810 reviews
4 star Skytrax Rating
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"have to pay a name change fee"


Trip Verified | I made a single letter spelling mistake on my name as I booked a ticket on my phone. Aegean charged me a name change fee to correct the letter I spelled wrong on my name. I mistyped a letter. They spoke to a supervisor who insisted I have to pay a name change fee to correct that letter on my name, as per policy. Aegean want to make money off my little spelling error.
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteBrussles to Heraklion via Athens
Date FlownNovember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345

"being so friendly and helpful"


Trip Verified | Amazing experience! I want to thank you all of the flight attendants for being so friendly and helpful. I am afraid of airplanes and they helped me calm down and relax. Special thanks to Maria for being there whenever I need her. The best flight attendant!! Her customer service was super. She was there to help and make me feel comfortable!
AircraftA321 - Neo
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteAthens to Madrid
Date FlownJanuary 2025
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"Good overall experience"


Trip Verified | Good overall experience, albeit a steep price to pay for either economy or business. I had the chance to fly business on this trip and was pleasantly surprised by the food assortments and wine, but rather disappointed by the seating and overall feeling of lesser luxury. It is a shame that the seats offer a lesser premium feel and lesser comfort and appearance, especially for business class, as they operate some beautiful new A320neo aircraft. Wi-Fi on board has never worked in my case, but this could be an isolated issue. Business class does not offer many inflight entertainment options apart from magazines but as a short haul airline this has never been the largest inconvenience. The cabin crew is always a delight, and boarding happens almost always at a gate with minimal delays (although this is not always on the airline). I have definitely flown a lot worse, but also have flown better. My score is for my most recent business class trip, and I note that it would be slightly lower if I were rating for my experience in economy class. Improved seating, cabin appearence and economy offerings would make my next review score higher.
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Seat TypeBusiness Class
RouteBrussels to Athens
Date FlownFebruary 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

“Hope not to use their services in the future”


Trip Verified | I had booked my ticket and probably because of the touch screen because of the automatic writing an error occurred and my surname was not correct. All the other details were done correctly. So when yesterday I went to the airport the person at the bag drop told me that I had to contact with the customer service of the airline company to do the necessary because of the mistake with my surname. I called them and unfortunately for my surprise the responsible of the company informed me that I had to pay AGAIN a NEW TICKET at the price of 73,80€ just to rewrite correct my surname meanwhile my name, birthday, visa number and all the other were correct. It was really funny that at the same flight an employee of the company offered 250€ cash, one free ticket and a ticket to fly from Rhodes to Athens with the flight of 20:15 to a girl just because it had happened a "problem" with another customer of their company who flew to Athens. I wonder if there is in Europe somebody to explain to us the customers of Aegean Airlines why the company asked me to pay twice the price of my ticket just because of an error that happened probably not only to me but maybe also had happened to others. The policy of this company is at least unreasonable with the only motive how to steal money from their customers. Imagine that I have a member card of this company. The way they punish a mistake is at least ridiculous. Probably they think that we leave in the '80s where there was not the information we can all of us have. Hope not to use their services in the future just because of the way they think they can treat to their card members.
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteRhodes to Athens
Date FlownDecember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

“this was my worst experience”

(Palestinian Territories)

Trip Verified | The overall experience was terrible, first we had about 20 min delay in boarding the plane, then there was a delay in the airport shuttle as well which is supposed to take us to the gates, never mind this was a transit flight which left us no time to reach the next gate and they didn't even bother to send an usher to let us know what to do, the airport personnel told us to go to their Kiosk and their employee had little client relations experience, thought that booking a hotel and flight the next day would some how miraculously help us reach our obligations in time and was rude in general with little regard to people's feelings. And when we asked for compensation for the delay they regarded it bad weather although the delay was obviously logistical. Also the plane got crowded, the seats are too close, they might cancel tickets and rebook them away from each other, and you easily catch a flu from how close the seats are together. Other airlines were much much better, this was my worst experience.
Type Of TravellerCouple Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteMadrid to Athens via Amman
Date FlownDecember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"Friendly professional staff"


Trip Verified | Upon arrival in Rhodes, a suitcase was delayed. Indicated at the counter. The handling was done very well. We arrived on the next flight and were taken directly to our address. Super! The entire flight also went great. Friendly professional staff. Flying with Aegean is a relief. Bij aankomst op Rhodos was er een koffer vertraagd. Bij de balie aangegeven. De afhandeling is super gedaan. Met de volgende vlucht meegekomen en direct naar ons adres gebracht. Super! Ook de gehele vlucht was super verlopen. Vriendelijk professioneel personeel. Vliegen met Aegean is een verademing.
Type Of TravellerCouple Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
Route Amsterdam to Rhodes via Athens
Date FlownDecember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345

“Aircrafts are old and dirt”


Not Verified | This is in reality a low cost airline (see Ryanair), only with high prices. Prepare for the shortest pitch you have experienced (especially if you're seated in any row behind the first emergency exit. Aircrafts are old and dirty, food (which is a actually a snack) is inedible (in economy). Wifi is almost always not working. Customer support is non existent. You cannot cancel your ticket online(!!). You have to call their support center and get a 23 euro cancellation fee. Avoid at all costs.
Type Of TravellerBusiness
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteFrankfurt to Athens
Date FlownDecember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"No compensation was offered"


Trip Verified | I travel for a business trip to Rome. My luggage never came and I received my luggage back in the initial departing airport when i returned back. I had to spent a significant amount of money in order to buy the necessary clothes and accessories in order to be able to attend to the planned business professional obligations, with only a few hours available in an unknown market. The employee of the airline reassured me through a telephone call that the company will cover the expenses. When I applied for compensation, the company offered me the amount of €240, which was significantly smaller compared to the basic expenses, and I did not accept. No compensation was offered for the suffering of course.
Type Of TravellerBusiness
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteAthens to Larnaca
Date FlownNovember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345

"do not recommend"

(United States)

Trip Verified | For a 40 minutes flight from Athens to Santorini, Aegean Airlines charges €40 per check-in luggage that is standard carry-on luggage size in most of all the other Star Alliance airlines, these are the same carry-on luggages our family traveled with on the same Aegean airlines from Paris to Athens on the same day. The head ground crew in Athens ran over to stop our family from boarding, pulled us aside, not allowing us board until we pay the total €80 for 2 pieces. Why did the Aegean crew in Paris allow us to board and not the Aegean crew in Athens. I showed I was UA Gold 2million flyer but we’re still embarrassed by the Aegean Athens ground crew. I found out after I boarded my check in luggages definitely fit in the overhead compartment even this was a smaller plane than the one I transferred from Paris. I do not recommend anyone flying Aegean Airlines. I will not.
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteAthens to Santorini
Date FlownNovember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"upgrade to business hardly ever comes"


Trip Verified | I’m a frequent traveller for the last 20 years. I’ve flown Aegean Airlines more than 50 times. They offered a very good service but during the last 3-4 years, they’re growing fast and customer service is not their priority anymore. My views based on the last 4 flights with Aegean during the summer seasons they were delayed (more than 60 min), with my checked luggage lost twice. To be avoided during Summer! Their boarding is the slowest and most unorganised allowing passengers with several bags per person, not entering all in the plane, blocking the corridor and sending half the bags out to be picked up at the airport’s belt. Forr Gold/frequent travellers of Aegean, we are entitled to 4 vouchers/year for business upgrades. Most of the times we’re sent to the waiting list and the upgrade to business hardly ever comes.
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteAthens to Brussels
Date FlownNovember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345