San Diego Airport

Customer Reviews

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Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Queuing Times 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Staff 12345
Customer rating from 78 reviews
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San Diego Airport customer review

I'm at SAN several times a year. My main issues are the fact that you have to upstairs for departures (a problem with heavy loads of luggage & the lack of elevators) or to get to any of the parking lots (doesn't make sense to go down to get luggage only to go back up to get to your car). Also the shuttle buses to the rental cars are a severe time- drain. The terminals are small enough that there should only be one pick-up point per terminal to speed things up (rather than 2 per terminal). Also for such a technologically advanced city like San Diego not having WiFi in the terminals is a major sin.

San Diego Airport customer review

San Diego airport is a joy to look out the window and convenient only if you arrange for someone to pick you up. Off airport rental cars are an extreme time sink and on-airport (Hertz Avis National) not much better. Why someone would design an airport such that you have to go down the stairs to get your bags on arrival go back up the stairs and then back down the stairs to cross over to parking or shuttles is beyond me. Lindberg Field was great until redesigned. If the airport wishes international traffic I am not sure why downtown in the current spagetti configuration makes no sense. Current proposals include a tunnel to a remote runway across the bay! Why not just build a proper airport and keep Linberg local. A long runway invites noise and a hub temptation that will hopefully die with Delta and United.

San Diego Airport customer review

Living in San Diego I constantly use SAN. While Terminal 2 (1998 Expansion) is beautiful and open. The more cramped Terminal 2 (1978) and Terminal 1(1967) are not a joy to go to. After the demise of TWA and the move of Continental and Aeromexico the first part of T1 is all Southwest which could use a face lift bigger areas and new lines. At the other end the virtually empty T1 is only UAL US Airways and Alaska is not to bad. The whole plan should be to make older T1 & T2 just like the new T2 with better Security Immigration and more gates. The commuter Terminal is now a desert and empty with most regional jets at the gates. The runway had a chance to be expanded but the city planners decided to put HOMES! at the end. We could of had an 1000 to 2000 feet of runway a new terminal possibly a expansion of the parking (a parking garage maybe) but we just had to have homes. We lost our only flight to Europe in October 2003 (Yup BA left taking its memories of BCAL's 747/DC-10 and the othe DC-10s744 and 777). But we have flights to Canada and Mexico even though Mexico is 20 minutes away with Tijuana's dirty crowded yet longer runway. But the idea to move it to a floating airport in Pacific Beaches or a military base of Miramar (since the Desert idea and BrownField (Dual National Mexico/US) are dumb ideas. We should just stay and renovate and revamp the area and airport.

San Diego Airport customer review

Much like the city of San Diego the airport is small comfortable and intimate. I agree with the previous posts that the sights when arriving are rather unique and breathtaking- the crystal blue waters of the bay the sail boats the city park urban skyscrapers deserts and breaking surf. The airport is small which makes it very quick to get in and out of. There is no need (except for security) to arrive early you should be in and out in no time. The airport has two terminals- Terminal 1 is older and houses Southwest. Terminal 2 handles most of the international flights- there are non stops to London and other global destinations. Terminal 2 is much newer. It is beautiful. San Diego has done a great job with comfy chairs in waiting areas to dramatic public art. I especially like the sealife fountain in the dome. Dining in terminal 2 includes fabulous choices like Wolfgang Puck and Karl Straus. The old terminal has more limited options. San Diego is much nicer to fly into than crazy LAX or John Wayne. San Diego is also the perfect place for a Southern California vacation. I would recommend taking the Amtrak train from downtown or Solana Beach to Disneyland- the train runs along the beach for most of the ride.

San Diego Airport customer review

I flew into and out of San Diego in the evening so I didn't see the throngs of people the previous chap mentioned. The food choices are limited and again which seems to be a habit at US airports were mostly closed at that time of the evening. It's extremely irritating to get to the airport and hope for a quick bite to eat and find everything closed. Terminal 2 is clean and comfortable but it's not that clear that you have to go upstairs for check in so navigating isn't that easy.

San Diego Airport customer review

As I am at SAN about twice a year I can tell that SAN is a wonderful airport. It's not too big and you have all the shops and restaurants you have at all bibber airports. It has in my opinion the world's nicest approach as you fly almost through Downtown. By the way there are some international flights to Mexico Canada and London.

San Diego Airport customer review

Unpleasant airport too crowded and poorly marked/signed nowhere near enough seating areas at gates poor food choices etc. It's great that Lindbergh is so close to downtown it makes it very convenient except that getting to the off-site rental car location also took forever somehow. I think what really did kill it was just that it was incredibly crowded and it made the airport feel hot and unpleasant. I think they'll build another airport in SAN sometime sooner or later there have been numerous discussions about it and I think that since they are basically out of land at Lindbergh they'll find a way to build an airport out in the hot desert a challenge because they have to avoid rather significant mountains.

San Diego Airport customer review

San Diego Lindbergh Field is a trip to land at. The runway is not long enough for intercontinental Jumbo jets. On approach (always from the east) the plane flies right next to downtown. Sit on the left if you want to see the workers in the office buildings up close! Just before landing you fly over some houses that are way close to the beginning of the runway. The terminal itself is completely outdated but the location is so convenient to the city that you never have to spend much time there. I don't think there are any international flights from San Diego except to Mexico.
71 to 78 of 78 Reviews