Lubeck Air

Customer Reviews

No Skytrax Rating
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment N/A
Seat Comfort 12345
Staff Service 12345
Value for Money 12345
Customer rating from 2 reviews
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"Great little airline"

(United Kingdom)

Not Verified | Great little airline. The direct flight from Lübeck to Bergen is perfect for me and my schedule, will definitely use it more often in the future. Even got snacks, which I usually don't get on this distance. Very pleased with the speed and efficiency.
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteLübeck to Bergen
Date FlownSeptember 2022
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345

"Wonderful regional airline"


Trip Verified | Wonderful regional airline from Luebeck! I had a chance to try this airline and the experience was quite comfortable. Boarding procedure is in order and each passenger must disinfect hands. The legspace is good and cabin is simple yet neat. The crew were happy to engage with passengers and the best part was that they serve a small meal on each flight! I really appreciate that and the meal was simple yet very tasty and filling. You can even book a veggie meal while booking flight. Beyond what LH can even offer on regional flights. While deboarding, they served caramel candies. This experience with Lübeck Air took me back to old school days which I miss terribly in aviation world. Keep up the standards and service because this will set you apart!
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteLuebeck to Stuttgart
Date FlownOctober 2020
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345