"pleased with amount of leg room"
1 reviews Andy McCauley (United Kingdom)
Booked extra legroom for this flight, was able to choose my own seat. On boarding the plane was very pleased with the amount of leg room and comfort of seats. If like me you need the legroom it's well worth paying that bit extra to get it - even with my long legs my knees didn't even touch the seat in front.
Seat Type | Economy Class |
Aircraft Type | A320 |
Seat Layout | 3x3 |
Date Flown | September 2016 |
Type Of Traveller | Solo Leisure |
Seat Legroom | 12345 |
Seat Recline | 12345 |
Seat Width | 12345 |
Aisle Space | 12345 |
Seat Storage | 12345 |
Recommended | yes |