Malaga Airport customer review
L Cadwallader (United Kingdom)
Easier passage than in July as we knew what to expect and with online check-in and hand luggage only we have no reason to dally. No hitches at all on arrival and this time we even found the official route up to departures level to meet our courtesy bus to the off-site car hire office. On our return trip queues at security were not too bad and we were through quite quickly. For some reason however no details were being released about gates for flights not even which zone until actual boarding began. In the end boarding for our flight to Liverpool was announced by loudspeaker before it even appeared on the screens and even though we were then quick to go through passport control for zone C the flight was already boarding from the gate immediately adjacent.
Queuing Times | 12345 |
Terminal Cleanliness | 12345 |
Airport Shopping | 12345 |
Recommended | no |
Malaga Airport customer review
I Arnold (United Kingdom)
Flew from/to BHX with Ryanair. Outbound flight landed 30 mins early but it took 94 mins for the first bag to appear on the belt. On return the Ryanair queues were chaotic with desks 221-226 open but managed to get checked in in 25 mins. Beer/food prices at outlets extortionate. Poor selection of food/drink outlets for an airport of this size.
Queuing Times | 12345 |
Terminal Cleanliness | 12345 |
Airport Shopping | 12345 |
Recommended | no |
Malaga Airport customer review
L Cadwallader (United Kingdom)
Reading what I wrote a year ago I can't say that we found Malaga airport much better this time. It's big impressive and airy but there are still irritating niggles. On arrival we needed to go up to departures level to access our bus but couldn't find any way to do so apart from squeezing through barriers. We then unknowingly walked past the bus point because the signage was not displayed for passengers emerging from the terminal. We were glad that our car hire collection point was off-site as the area outside the airport was very congested. On our return we found Security somewhat disorganised. There was something of a melee to secure trays and at our security gate one harassed female agent seemed to be trying to do everything: call passengers through check the detector and frisk selected individuals whilst at the same time trying to call to a colleague to come and help. We found it very difficult to hear announcements made at the gates. This time we were departing from Area C and our flight to Liverpool was announced early: all we heard was something about Liverpool so we followed others who started moving to join a queue. Perhaps our next passage through the airport in Sep will be smoother as we will have a better idea of what to expect.
Queuing Times | 12345 |
Terminal Cleanliness | 12345 |
Airport Shopping | 12345 |
Recommended | no |
Malaga Airport customer review
Brian Hill (United Kingdom)
Long queues for check-in which tend to merge together; slow and arbitrary security - my wife travels with a nebuliser (basically a compressor) which went straight through without a second look. Most of the retail outlets shut (18:00 on a Friday afternoon) have they gone bust or can't the staff be bothered to turn up for work?
Queuing Times | 12345 |
Terminal Cleanliness | 12345 |
Airport Shopping | 12345 |
Recommended | no |
Malaga Airport customer review
C Stephenson (United Kingdom)
On arrival on a Ryanair flight from East Midlands; no problems and the airport seemed fine (apart from the odd idea that you need to pass a security check to get from the car park to the car hire desks). Flying back to the UK; a long queue for check in (Baggage drop) a long walk to the departures security check then another long walk (past various queues for food) to the gate (which seemed to take me within a few yards of the baggage drop area!). Eventually at the gate the scene was rather chaotic as the queue for another flight had merged the our queue and I joined the wrong one for a while.
Queuing Times | 12345 |
Terminal Cleanliness | 12345 |
Airport Shopping | 12345 |
Recommended | no |
Malaga Airport customer review
C O'Neill (United Kingdom)
On my recent trip to this airport (2nd in 3 years) I found it pretty good but hard to rate with full accuracy as it was having some work done. On arrival we were disembarked pretty quickly and efficiently and from there allowed through immigration controls just as happily. The only gripe on arrival was that (it might have been due to the work) the car rental offices were scattered to the 4 winds with no real signage to point you in the right direction so the relevant one was hard to find. The return journey was the same really. Descent queue times and friendly and efficient staff. There were 2 little niggles though. First the staff in some of the eating places could have been nicer. Their card machine wasn't working but they made no effort to tell people instead letting everyone queue and put in hot food orders only telling them after that they couldn't pay. That was just one cafe potentially having a bad day though. The other problem was that the gate we were directed to required going through a further security check point. Although it didn't make clear that you were going in the right direction. A large bunch of people then gathered at this point as no one wanted to go through in case it was the wrong gate (no signs at this point) and there would be difficulty getting back. This was not a section that appeared to be undergoing work and was just a case of unclear signage.
Queuing Times | 12345 |
Terminal Cleanliness | 12345 |
Airport Shopping | 12345 |
Recommended | no |
Malaga Airport customer review
I Glasser (United States)
Couldn't really recognise AGP even though it was only early March that we last passed through Always construction and always mayhem. Walks between terminals and unfinished areas for years. Overcrowded. They seem to always be doing something but seem to only make it worse.
Queuing Times | 12345 |
Terminal Cleanliness | 12345 |
Airport Shopping | 12345 |
Recommended | no |
Malaga Airport customer review
Leslie Cadwallader (United Kingdom)
Couldn't really recognise AGP even though it was only early March that we last passed through because T3 has opened since then. I'd agree about the distances to be walked for departures. We had less far to walk on arrival but that might have been because we were transferred from the plane by bus rather than airbridge so taken almost directly to Arrivals. Roadworks right outside the airport rather undermine the otherwise impressive appearance of the terminal building: access to Departures seemed to take us virtually through a petrol station forecourt! Security busy but reasonably free flowing but in the departure area (pier B) it was very difficult to hear flight announcements especially those from the desks themselves because the gates are on busy thoroughfares with food bars around them so there is a great deal of noise going on. The fact that we had a late change of gate when the queues for our easyJet flight had already formed did not help matters. Overall therefore I would say that the new Malaga airport looks good but it is not entirely passenger friendly.
Queuing Times | 12345 |
Terminal Cleanliness | 12345 |
Airport Shopping | 12345 |
Recommended | no |
Malaga Airport customer review
Timothy Legg (United Kingdom)
The new Terminal 3 opened on 16 March 2010. However if you are travelling by a British airline other than British Airways you will still be required to check in at Terminal 2. That's when the problems start. My wife and I departed from this airport on 30 March. After check in we had to walk the length of both Terminal 2 and Terminal 3 to reach the security checks at the far end of this new terminal. After security the large Aldeasa shop is on the right hand side but there are no seats adjacent for travelling companions so all hand baggage has to be carried through the shop which is rather difficult. Otherwise any companions have to stand around outside. We then had to walk all the way back to the far end of Terminal 2 for Pier B. During this "journey" we noticed that there were a few very small catering outlets but with very little seating. There is a rather short travelator which seemed rather pointless because it only carried us for about 50 yards. When we eventually reached Pier B where it seemed all the non British Airways passengers had gathered there were no apparent catering facilities. My wife has reduced mobility but does not require a wheelchair and the "jouney" from check in to Pier B took 45 minutes. This included about 7 minutes at security and a similar time at Aldeasa. So be warned! Terminal 3 is an impressive building but there are only bare facilities for those of us who still have to depart from Terminal 2.
Queuing Times | 12345 |
Terminal Cleanliness | 12345 |
Airport Shopping | 12345 |
Recommended | no |
Malaga Airport customer review
Simon Channon (United Kingdom)
Check-in and security pretty trouble-free but don't eat or drink there. Two stale ham croissants two stale cookies and a bottle of water cost 14 euros. Incredibly the couple in front of us managed to spend over 50 euros on what looked like a basic meal!
Queuing Times | 12345 |
Terminal Cleanliness | 12345 |
Airport Shopping | 12345 |
Recommended | no |