Luton Airport

Customer Reviews

No Skytrax Rating
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Queuing Times 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Staff 12345
Customer rating from 803 reviews
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"does not consider the customer"

(United Kingdom)

Trip Verified | Luton Airport does not consider the customer. Parking is extremely difficult or just being dropped off. The terminal is a long walk from all areas, apart from being dropped by a bus or coach. The hills and the weather make all of this and unpleasant experience. Check-in and passport control were okay and on this occasion the security checks were reasonably quick. The departure lounge thinks more about selling produce, then providing comfort for the traveller. Most food outlets were fast food and very little seating. The departure gates can be a long walk from the departure lounge and here you have to queue to board the plane in an area where no seating is supplied. On the return to Luton, you are subjected to long corridors and then queues in the immigration hall. This is a very poor welcome to any foreign visitor to the UK, it is dismal, uncomfortable, and a long wait. Baggage reclaim can take a while and the signage giving information about the belt number is not very clear. Then starts the long walk to the exit and your means of departing the airport. When picking somebody up from the airport, you only have 10 minutes in the drop-off area so everyone waits in the area surrounding the airport to get a phone call from the person they are picking up that they have landed and cleared immigration. There is no obvious place to wait for this and Luton becomes an area of panic as people try to find somewhere to wait. As Luton Airport is partially owned by Luton Council, it should be a higher priority to make this whole process smoother. Luton Airport are trying to expand and add even more flights. This should not be allowed until they managed to get the existing infrastructure working better, and considering the end user, their customer
Experience At AirportArrival and Departure
Date VisitApril 2023
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Queuing Times 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Shopping 12345
Airport Staff 12345

"security personnel were much more business-like"


Trip Verified | Arriving at Luton airport from Amsterdam: the same old long walk across the road, up the stairs, along a grubby corridor, down the stairs, into the passport control to the baggage reclaim and to the shuttlebus, nothing different from my last visit, pre COVID. Departing Luton airport however sees an improvement. The security personnel were much more business-like, I even heard the word “please”. The departure lounge was still being upgraded with many more shops, work in progress but a shortage of toilets, (some closed) with long queues, made life difficult. When boarding, there is was a long wait on a flight of stairs before I could board the aircraft. I had the official EasyJet size cabin baggage but had to put it in the frame to check the size. Of course it fitted but it was difficult to get my bag out again. The ground steward came across as rather aggressive. I only use this airport because I need to be in Bedfordshire.
Experience At AirportArrival and Departure
Date VisitMarch 2023
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Queuing Times 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Food Beverages N/A
Airport Staff 12345

"nothing straight forward"

(United Kingdom)

Trip Verified | Very crammed, I think this airport must be designed by a child who never been in an airport before. Going through security was fast enough but anything else is very unpleasant, room after room nothing straight forward, toilets are very small queue is long and smells. This airport is big enough for country size of Luxembourg not London.
Experience At AirportArrival and Departure
Date VisitFebruary 2023
Type Of TravellerCouple Leisure
Queuing Times 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Shopping 12345
Wifi Connectivity 12345
Airport Staff 12345

"Not a great airport!"

(United Kingdom)

Not Verified | Not a great airport! Starting off with the parking. Yes their prices for short stay is super expensive but there is the mid stay car park but it's quite a distance from the terminals. The car park is based about 15 minute walk and come rain/snow/sunshine you have to walk with your suitcases up a slight hill to the terminal. Also the car park has stones in the parking bays so if you reverse park you either have to carry your heavy suitcase, to the smooth pavement, or risk your suitcase wheels getting damaged wheeling them across the stones - better to park face first in in this car park! Bad start to a holiday! Who designs an airport like that? When we arrived at the airport entrance there are plenty of signs saying "no smoking" but lots of people smoking there ignoring the signs along with the staff not enforcing it. So you have to walk through a wall of cigarette smoke to get inside (same when we landed on our return flight!) Inside the airport areas are well controlled with good lane control for boarding and as well as security both were very quick inbound and outbound flights. In the departure lounge there was only one bank of screens and for a large area this is nuts as you have to keep walking over to read what is being posted on it regarding gate departure number. One thing I didn't like is the mini departure lounge having to walk down some stairs (not the end of the world!) but then so many people cramped in a room waiting for the doors to open so one can then walk on to the plane. Not a recommended airport unless you either get dropped off! Smoking outside the entrance area is a real problem here! There were even staff patrolling that either a) didn't care or b) also smoking so not a nice start wheeling your baggage through a cloud of cigarette smoke.
Experience At AirportArrival and Departure
Date VisitJanuary 2023
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Queuing Times 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Shopping 12345
Airport Staff 12345

"Left abandoned in a wheelchair for over an hour"

(United Kingdom)

Trip Verified | Left abandoned in a wheelchair for over an hour. Abused by ground staff because I couldn’t climb the stairs due to my disability. Special Assistance staff sat around on their phones refused to help. Worst experience ever.
Experience At AirportDeparture Only
Date VisitSeptember 2022
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Queuing Times 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Shopping 12345
Wifi Connectivity 12345
Airport Staff 12345

"border control man was so rude"

(United Kingdom)

Trip Verified | The border control man working on 6th December around 6pm was so rude. Yelled at my mum who doesn’t speak good English, when I went to him to get my passport checked he said in a rude way “use the automatic machine, that’s what they’re there for!” My mum got through but I didn’t because of my glasses so I had to go to him again, he was visibly annoyed and asked “it’s because you had your glasses on so you don’t look like your photo, also why were you late?” We let other passengers off the plane first as my mum is elderly and slow with arthritis so she has some pain. Even so I don’t think we were that late maybe 10 minutes after everyone else! Before I went through he also said “You do realise your passport is going to expire in 5 months” yes I’m aware I can read. Really made us feel uncomfortable and saddened by his inhumane behaviour.
Experience At AirportDeparture Only
Date VisitDecember 2022
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Queuing Times 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Food Beverages N/A
Airport Staff 12345

"awful, horrible customer service"

(United Kingdom)

Not Verified | I travelled recently back home and 2 weeks later my dad (in his 70'), brother and my nephew (7) came for visit and both times on arrival, queues were enormous! One person at passport control? Really? (We all have e-passports yet ushered to personal checks) You should be ashamed of yourself for putting people through this. More than 1hr wait. It's awful, horrible customer service.
Experience At AirportArrival Only
Date VisitOctober 2022
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Queuing Times 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Shopping 12345
Airport Staff 12345

"The airport cannot get the basics right"

(United Kingdom)

Not Verified | 35 minutes after landing and we are still waiting for ground staff to bring some stairs. The airport cannot get the basics right. Over expansion without the infrastructure. This airport needs new management.
Experience At AirportArrival Only
Date VisitOctober 2022
Type Of TravellerCouple Leisure
Queuing Times 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Shopping 12345
Wifi Connectivity 12345
Airport Staff 12345

"should be thoroughly ashamed"

(United Kingdom)

Not Verified | Our plane landed at 15.30 we disembarked at 15.40. For the next hour we stood in the queue with a tired, hungry and weary toddler who had just spent 4 hours cooped up in a plane and needed to go to the toilet. Out of the 9 available desks only one was open and the member of staff on there was in training. I understand that new people have to be trained but any sensible company would complete staff training at an off peak time and open several desks while this is happening to take the pressure off the staff member and maintain a swift service. To have one desk open when there are literally hundreds of people waiting to be seen is at best incompetent and at worst shows a complete contempt for your customers. I witnessed exhausted new mothers having to breastfeed hungry babies, the elderly suffering from dehydration and poor little toddlers screaming in frustration. If this was my first impression of the U.K it wouldn’t be a good one. You should be thoroughly ashamed.
Experience At AirportArrival Only
Date VisitOctober 2022
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Queuing Times 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Shopping 12345
Wifi Connectivity 12345
Airport Staff 12345

"This is a lousy service"

(United Kingdom)

Not Verified | Wife landed 2.10am from Alicante and needed wheel chair assist. I was waiting to pick her up, plane landed on time but had to wait 50 minutes till someone came to collect her from the airplane. I have work later and as parking is terrible and costly. This is a lousy service which has made my wife's condition worse.
Experience At AirportArrival Only
Date VisitSeptember 2022
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Queuing Times 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Shopping 12345
Wifi Connectivity 12345
Airport Staff 12345