Hamburg Airport

Customer Reviews

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Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Queuing Times 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Staff 12345
Customer rating from 71 reviews
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Hamburg Airport customer review

Hamburg is supposedly Germany's second biggest city but you wouldn't think so judging by the size of this airport. Plans are underway for a rail link to the city centre but in the mean time there is either a regular bus transfer to the Hauptbahnhof (main train station) or a bus and U-bahn (subway) combination. In any case neither takes particularly long. Most scheduled traffic for all the usual European cities leaves from Terminal 4 which is a small but bright and airy facility with all the usual suspects such as BA AF and LX operating a ticket desk. The Lufthansa business class lounge is comfortable and spacious but like all their other lounges worldwide need a serious revamp. The grey and amber colour scheme is very dated and it looks like a school teachers' common room. Arriving and departing were both hassle-free and although the airport is nothing shout about does the job very well.
71 to 71 of 71 Reviews