Camiguin Airport

Customer Reviews

No Skytrax Rating
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Queuing Times 12345
Food Beverages 12345
Airport Staff N/A
Customer rating from 1 reviews
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"Incredibly unprofessional behaviour"

(New Zealand)

Trip Verified | Security staff opened and manually checked my bags, normally this is fine however my belongings were showed off to non security personel like a show and tell session. Incredibly unprofessional behaviour that is totally disrespectful. Security was also very inconsistent and had rules that were not advertised, for example I was unable to take sand and stones that I had brought with me from another country in my checked-in luggage (I had never had an issue with this on any other domestic flights I had taken), they also don't allow you to fly with honey.
Experience At AirportArrival and Departure
Date VisitMay 2018
Type Of TravellerCouple Leisure
Queuing Times 12345
Terminal Cleanliness 12345
Terminal Seating 12345
Terminal Signs 12345
Food Beverages 12345