"Incredibly unprofessional behaviour"
H Gordon (New Zealand)
✅ Trip Verified | Security staff opened and manually checked my bags, normally this is fine however my belongings were showed off to non security personel like a show and tell session. Incredibly unprofessional behaviour that is totally disrespectful. Security was also very inconsistent and had rules that were not advertised, for example I was unable to take sand and stones that I had brought with me from another country in my checked-in luggage (I had never had an issue with this on any other domestic flights I had taken), they also don't allow you to fly with honey.
Experience At Airport | Arrival and Departure |
Date Visit | May 2018 |
Type Of Traveller | Couple Leisure |
Queuing Times | 12345 |
Terminal Cleanliness | 12345 |
Terminal Seating | 12345 |
Terminal Signs | 12345 |
Food Beverages | 12345 |
Recommended | no |