Vueling Airlines

Customer Reviews

4 star Skytrax Rating
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Seat Comfort 12345
Staff Service 12345
Value for Money 12345
Customer rating from 1246 reviews
4 star Skytrax Rating
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"Avoid at all costs"

(United Kingdom)

Not Verified | Terrible airline. Cancelled our flight. The alternative offered resulted in a six hour arrival delay. No refund and non existent customer service. Avoid at all costs.
Type Of TravellerCouple Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteParis to Menorca
Date FlownAugust 2023
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345

"delayed more than 120 mins"

(United Kingdom)

Trip Verified | Do not travel with this airline, both of my inbound and outbound flight were delayed more than 120 mins! This airline only have delay but nothing, if you dont have time cost or schedule, this airline might meet your expectation!
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteBarcelona to London Gatwick
Date FlownAugust 2023
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"delivering such a poor service"


Not Verified | People only buy through Vueling because its cheap. The amount of time wasted and plans cancelled if you regularly use this airline really do not compensate. But obviously if you cannot pay more you will continue to use it. Its so shameful and disrespectful of people's lifes to keep delivering such a poor service. I always have to take flights with vueling between Tunisia and Barcelona and its basically the norm that the flight gets late and they dont even inform you about it.
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteTunisia to Barcelona
Date FlownAugust 2023
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"Such a bad experience!"

(Czech Republic)

Trip Verified | Me and my family (8 people) had a wonderful holiday in Portugal and we were returning reenergised and happy back to Prague on 24.7.23. Unfortunately, our flight with Transavia TO7661 was delayed by one hour on the departure from Lisbon. This would be fine but there was further delay when we arrived to the ORY airport in Paris where we have spent 30 endless minutes waiting before we could disembark. As the airport is large we have not managed to get to the connecting flight with Vueling to Prague VY8948 (scheduled departure at 11.45 CET) on time and the boarding was just closed (for max 5 minutes). The plane was still connected to the hub and the whole situation could have ben sorted out very easily, I think but the reality was different, unfortunately. There were two Vueling representatives (man and woman) at the gate A21 desk at that time and I have had a discussion with the man with glasses trying to convince him to let us get on the board of our flight. He just kept saying no and didn’t want to listen to our arguments at all. There were children (the youngest one 4.5 yrs old) as well as two seniors 60+ in our group, one of them with severe diabetes. Unfortunately, Vueling male representative had no mercy and did not want to listen at all. He just kept saying that we need to go back to the Vueling counter and that we will get another flight with Vueling to Prague free of charge instead. I asked him to call his boss and ask if we could get on board. He just pointed to another person standing nearby. When I asked the person to let us get on board he just started to speak French which felt totally hostile and frustrating. From our point of view, both Vueling representatives were totally disengaged, customer unfriendly and not willing to go an extra mile. It is pity that they managed to ruin our great holiday within few minutes and turn it into the nightmare. As it was clear that we can’t do anything at the gate, me and my wife went out of the security zone to the Vueling client desk as we were advised. We have learnt that the first flight to Prague available is only on 30th of Jul! I can’t even describe our dismay and the level of stress that we were in at that moment. We sat down and started to search for other flights but it was in season and our group was big, so there were no direct flights available. Finally we found an evening flight from CDG Paris to Amsterdam with KLM (KL1246) leaving Paris at 20.15 and connecting flight with KLM next morning leaving AMS at 6.35 (KL1351). We had to travel all the way from Paris ORY to Paris CDG and spend a night at the AMS airport as the consequence. This was really stressful for all and health-threatening for our grandfather with severe diabetes who felt really bad as he run out of insulin. We also had to pay for new flight tickets and transfer from Paris ORY to Paris CDG which meant a significant challenge to our family budget (around 2 k EUR in total). I asked Vueling to compensate us for our horrible experience, stress, health problems and incremental costs but no interest on their side. They just replied we are not eligible for any compensation. Their CEO Mr. Sansavini whom I wrote a personal letter have not even bothered to write back. Vueling? Such a bad experience! Never again.
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteParis Orly to Prague Václav Havel Airport
Date FlownJuly 2023
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345

"I totally recommend it"


Trip Verified | Vueling is one of the best value for money airlines in Europe. Comfortable seats, nice staff and good aircraft fleet selection. I totally recommend it.
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteLanzarote to Bilbao
Date FlownJuly 2023
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"check in line was too long"


Not Verified | It was a bad experience of us, me and my wife. The airplane was delayed one hour, and they did not offer anything to drink or eat, even water! The check in line was too long, and nearly did not move. We will not choose this airline company again.
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteTel Aviv to Barcelona
Date FlownAugust 2023
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"left in airport without any support"


Trip Verified | It was the worst airline ever in my life. First of all, we arrived in an airport in Barcelona. Three were huge lines and only 3/4 open desks. We waiting for a while just for checking in, because it wasn’t possible to make in online. Moreover, it was not possible to make in the automatic machine. The people, that were standing near me in line missed their previous flight, also with Vueling, because after they have been waited for more than hour in a line, they were told that they’re late, however it was 20 minutes before boarding. After all of this stress, my sister wasn’t admitted to a flight, because she hasn’t an individual passport. However, she was added in my mum’s passport and also has a Birth Certificate, and as far as we’re Ukrainians and during the war it’s possible for children to travel without passport, but being in the parent’s passport, the desk worker said it’s not possible with their airline and advised us just to go on the train or bus. We were on holidays in Spain, but live in the Netherlands since the war started, so we were going home. Also, we have been already traveling by plane with the same mum’s passport, where was my sister and the Birth Certificate (as well we went to Spain from Amsterdam). But the worker was even after explanations so hopeless and mean. Then she just threw away our tickets, didn’t even ask if someone from my family still planning to go on a flight (there were me, 2 younger sisters and parents). So we asked again to make new tickets for me and my another sister, what took also a bit of time. My parents and the second sister left in airport without any support, explanation what they should to do and of course without a refund. That’s just crazy! Hope they will hire more professional staff, who would be more caring about people. Very disappointed and will never recommend this airline.
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteBarcelona to Amsterdam
Date FlownJuly 2023
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"poorly trained and uninterested staff"


Trip Verified | What a poorly trained and uninterested staff at this company. Because our suitcase was gone for 4 days on the way there, we had to buy the necessary things and therefore we had more luggage than on the way there. When checking in at VUELING I already saw that they would be quite strict, so I saw an option to take 2 pieces of hand luggage pp if we were to travel priority. That cost 50 euros pp more, but then we would also be in the front row with extra legroom and be the first to enter in a priority row and somewhere you also think that you will receive better treatment. Well believe me, none of that! The only thing that was right was that we were allowed to take that extra hand luggage with us. But at check-in you had 3 classes, 1 that was us, 2 that were the people behind us who I thought had also paid a lot (not) and 3 that was even further back. So I asked one of the crew members how it worked and he sent us to the other side, when I arrived there I suddenly saw the sign of class 1 and 2 together, so I walk back to that man, he says casually, oh yes sorry, now 40 men of class 2 in front of us, so nothing priority. A girl in front of us in line said she hadn't paid anything extra for this class 2 seat, so we were getting an increasingly annoying feeling. Once on the plane, the first row suddenly turned into the 2nd row, where you had significantly less legroom, so again the VUELING staff were tipsy and they pretended their noses were bleeding. That line was already reserved by a family. That family (Portuguese or Spanish) of 4 suddenly had 6 places at their disposal. The staff was not friendly at all and kept hiding behind a curtain. We had bought two small bottles of rose and a bottle of water at the airport for the plane, when she discovered that they got angry too, because that was not allowed, we should have bought it from them. Wat een slecht opgeleid en ongeinteresseerd personeel bij deze maatschappij. Doordat onze koffer 4 dagen weg was op de heenweg moesten we natuurlijk het nodige aanschaffen en daardoor hadden we meer bagage dan op de heenweg. Bij het inchecken bij VUELING zag ik al dat zij vrij streng zouden zijn dus ik zag een mogelijkheid om 2 stuks handbagage pp mee te mogen nemen als we priority zouden reizen. Dat koste wel 50 euro pp meer maar dan zouden we ook nog op de eerste rij zitten met extra beenruimte en als eerste naar binnen mogen bij een priorityrij en ergens denk je dan ook nog dat je een betere behandeling zult krijgen. Nou geloof me, niets van dat alles! Het enige wat wel klopte was dat we die extra handbagage mee mochten nemen. Maar bij het inchecken had je 3 klasses, 1 dat waren wij, 2 dat waren de mensen achter ons waarvan ik dacht dat zij ook flink hadden betaald (not) en 3 dat was nog verder naar achteren. Dus ik vroeg aan een van de bemanningsleden hoe het werkte en die stuurde ons naar een andere kant, daar aangekomen zag ik ineens het bordje van klasse 1 en 2 tezamen, dus ik loop terug naar die man, zegt hij doodleuk, o ja sorry, inmiddels dus 40 man van klasse 2 voor ons, niks priority dus. Een meisje voor ons in de rij vertelde dat zij helemaal niets extra had betaald voor deze stoel van klasse 2, dus we kregen een steeds vervelender gevoel. Eenmaal in het vliegtuig bleek de eerste rij ineens veranderd in de 2e rij, waar je beduidend minder beenruimte had, dus weer het personeel van VUELING aangeschoten en die deden alsof hun neus bloedde. Die rij was al door een gezin gereserveerd. Dat gezin (Portugees of Spaans) van 4 had dus ineens 6 plaatsen tot hun beschikking. Het personeel was helemaal niet vriendelijk en verstopte zich steeds achter een gordijntje. Wij hadden op het vliegveld twee kleine flesjes rose en een flesje water gekocht voor in het vliegtuig, toen ze dat ontdekte werden ze nog boos ook, want dat mocht niet, dat hadden we bij hen moeten kopen.
Type Of TravellerCouple Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteLisbon to Amsterdam
Date FlownJuly 2023
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"Have not heard anything from them"

(United States)

Trip Verified | Lost luggage on 7/21/23. Immediately filed a report. Have not heard anything from them other than their automatic emails telling me they are sorry and to be patient. I can see my luggage is still at FCO airport from my AirTag. Cannot get through to lost and found customer service line to speak to someone. Left voicemails and emails, but still have not been contacted back.
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteRome to Dubrovnik
Date FlownJuly 2023
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345

"don't expect any customer service to help you"


Trip Verified | I can't comment on the quality of a Vueling flight because we never got off the ground. When we arrived at SCQ Spain airport on 18/6/23 we found our 18.15 flight to Gatwick was delayed. After a long wait finally the boarding time came up as 20.10hrs, but still boarding wasn't started for around half an hour later. Everyone is now sitting on board the plane luggage in overhead lockers, doors closed when an announcement is made that the staff have now been working for too many hours and the flight is cancelled!! Wouldn't they know that before we got on the plane? We are told to get off the plane and that someone on the first floor would help us. There was someone there, but they knew nothing and didn't know what to tell everyone, they soon disappeared. Every now and then a staff member would appear and the plane load of 200 plus people would converge on them demanding to know what was going on, but still they couldn't tell us anything! This went on till around 22.30hrs gradually people started slipping away as they were getting sick of waiting around they were making their own arrangements for accommodation and travel. We were told by some people who managed to speak to a staff member that they could not offer us another flight to our destination till 23/6/23 five days after we were meant to be there! Exhausted and sick of no helpful answers we gave up waiting, booked our own accommodation that night arriving there starving hungry after 2300hrs. Fortunately someone had the sense to start a WhatsApp group for passengers before people left so we could find out what other people were experiencing. Some people who stayed around and refused to leave had their accommodation that night arranged and paid for them including breakfast, but they didn't get in till around 0100hrs. That should have been offered to everyone immediately. We ended up catching a bus to Porto the next day and flying with another airline the morning after that, so we had to pay for another night's accommodation in Porto. Our travel agent has applied for a refund of our tickets, but there has been none so far 4 weeks later. I applied for EU compensation through Vueling which has been paid. I also applied to Vueling for reimbursement of our accommodation on the night of the cancellation as well as the bus we took to Porto, and the 2 nights lost accommodation in the UK as these were costs we incurred as a direct result of the flight cancellation. They have reimbursed me for the accommodation on the night of the cancellation only so am trying to recoup the rest on travel insurance. I had to supply all my receipts and boarding pass for the other airline to Vueling, I don't know why when all they paid for was the one night. So if you do book with Vueling and your flight gets cancelled don't expect any customer service to help you or full reimbursement of your out of pocket expenses. My advice is don't take the chance. We found the replacement flight with Easy Jet quite good.
Type Of TravellerCouple Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteSantiago de Compostela to Gatwick
Date FlownJune 2023
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345