
Customer Reviews

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Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Seat Comfort 12345
Staff Service 12345
Value for Money 12345
Customer rating from 12 reviews
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"Customer service is terrible2


Trip Verified | They cancelled multiple flights and promise to refund within 90 business days (approximately half a year). They refunded one flight, but the other has never been paid. Customer service is terrible and does not respond or responds that they will check with another department. This airline is a scam and should always be avoided.
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteSorong to Manado
Date FlownSeptember 2024
Value For Money 12345

“complete lack of respect for the customer”


Trip Verified | I bought a ticket five months in advance, and two months after the purchase, I received an email saying that the flight was canceled. The email didn't mention the reason, nor did it offer any information about a refund or other flight options. It's a complete lack of respect for the customer. We've had to call several times, and no one ever answers. Now, I have to buy a new flight with only 60 days until my trip, and the price is double what I originally paid. Stay away from this airline, it's better to pay more with another company than deal with this issue later. That's my advice.
Type Of TravellerCouple Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteManado to Sorong
Date FlownOctober 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345

“Hopefully this airline will improve”


Not Verified | Saya kurang merekomendasikan karena pesawat ini delay dua kali. Pertama, dari jam 10.00 WIB ke jam 13.15 WIB. Kemudian delay lagi jam 13.30. Sehingga saya hampir kehilangan tiket penerbangan lanjutan saya dari Jakarta ke Bangkok. Kemudian, pihak transNusa juga seolah lepas tangan dengan kejadian itu. Tidak memberikan solusi ketika saya complain. Semoga maskapai ini berbenah. - I don't recommend it because this plane was delayed twice. First, from 10.00 WIB to 13.15 WIB. Then another delay at 13.30. So I almost lost my connecting flight ticket from Jakarta to Bangkok. Then, TransNusa also seemed to let go of the incident. Didn't provide a solution when I complained. Hopefully this airline will improve.
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteYogyakarta to Jakarta
Date FlownSeptember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"will be my last choice"


Trip Verified | Previous trip 3 weeks before makes me consider flight departed from Terminal 3. And TransNusa was fit the schedule for business trip at Sept 17 and retuned at Sept 19 But it was disaster Well, at least they informed changes through email and Whatsapp 3 days before. However, when you're travelling for business trip, I have to blacklisted the TransNusa. Depart Sept 17: sched changed 2 times (3days prior into 17.15 and 1 day prior into 19.15) from 15.10 into 19.15 (and finally departed at 20.00). Return sched. at Sept 19 even worst changed 3x 1.50pm to 5.20 pm then changed again into 10.20pm, and changed again i to 11pm when checked in. .. haha 1st time in my life got delayed for 9 hours. And without proper compensation (well, they're clever, informed prior with email:p) So this airline will be my last choice in the future.
Type Of TravellerBusiness
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteJakarta to Denpasar
Date FlownSeptember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345

“flights delayed by 3-5 hrs”


Trip Verified | Was unfortunate to try their new Subang Jakarta route. Both to and from flights delayed by 3-5 hrs, return flight from Jakarta was 4.10 pm which was first rescheduled to 5pm, then 7.30 then 8, then 8.15 and finally 8.40 pm [writing this review at 8.30 hoping flight will take off].
AircraftBoeing 747
Type Of TravellerBusiness
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteSubang to Jakarta
Date FlownSeptember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"worst airline ever"


Not Verified | The worst airline ever! My flight was rescheduled multiple times with no explanation whats so ever nor was there apologies. Should have flown airasia or scoot.
Type Of TravellerFamily Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteSubang to Jakarta
Date FlownSeptember 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"Customer service unresponsive"


Trip Verified | I had two separate flights booked with this airline. One from Manado to Sorong and one from Sorong to Manado. There was about a week in between. Both flights got independently cancelled by the airline for no clear reason. Then you have to fill out multiple forms and deliver multiple documents for a refund. Finally, it will take 90 business days (almost a quarter of a year) to process your refund. Customer service also unresponsive. My advice: Do not ever book with this airline! Go for something else, even though it might be a bit more expensive.
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteManado to Sorong
Date FlownAugust 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"they stated I had too many bags"

(United Kingdom)

Trip Verified | They tried to make me pay for an additional checked bag for an additional 235MYR (APPROX: $50USD) as they stated I had too many bags. I tried to tell them that the website states that each person can have two carry on bags, as long as the weight is ok. They just were NOT listening to me. I tried to show them on my phone and they just rejected even looking at it. So I told the lady there that I would like a full refund if they are refusing my bags so that I can take another flight. She asked the supervisor and she agreed. Unprofessionally, without word, they ripped off all the luggage tags and threw them onto the floor, then pushed the bags towards us. When I was waiting for my refund, they told me to "go to the website". "That wasn't the deal" I said, as they told me they would refund me here and now. So I said I'll take the flight then, but they need to accept my bags. I have TEO upgraded tickets and both of these tickets, each one, covers the baggage. They refused to let us fly, pulled out her phone and started recording me (I took a video for proof and my protection as their attitude was very bad). They even called the police over. After explanation, the police agreed with me, but there was nothing they could do.
Type Of TravellerCouple Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteKuala Lumpur to Jakarta
Date FlownMay 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Food & Beverages 12345
Inflight Entertainment 12345
Ground Service 12345
Wifi & Connectivity 12345
Value For Money 12345

"be prepared for multiple reschedule"


Trip Verified | If you going to use this airline, be prepared for multiple reschedule. I booked flight at 11:45 and they reschedule it to 17.40 then 18.20. They stated the reason to be operational which likely they don't get enough passenger for the flight so they shove you to God knows when. I only flew this airline twice and they have 100% reschedule rate for me, WORSE than lion air group. My only advise is, if you book this airline, cancel all your plan on the day of travel, you never know when you are going to take off.
Type Of TravellerSolo Leisure
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteJakarta to Denpasar
Date FlownMay 2024
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345

"experience was prompt and precise"


Trip Verified |   I specifically chose to fly with TransNusa to try out flying on the COMAC ARJ21-700, of which the carrier currently operates two of these aircraft at the moment, and is also the first airline in the world outside of China to operate this small commercial jetliner. Thankfully there wasn’t much of a negative experience, everything from check-in to boarding to the inflight experience was prompt and precise, even if it weren’t spectacular. As TransNusa opts for a single-class layout, the aircraft has a capacity of 90 passengers seated in 18 rows of 5. The smaller capacity of the aircraft meant that boarding and disembarkation was completed fairly quickly and smoothly. Arguably the only sore point of the flight was having to use a bus to board the aircraft instead of using an aerobridge. TransNusa includes 15kg of checked bags as part of the basic air ticket so that’s a nice gesture to have. Despite having to land in heavy rain at KLIA, the entire journey was uneventful and decently pleasant, and it suggests that the COMAC ARJ21-700 will prove a contender in the regional small commercial jetliner market in the years to come.
AircraftCOMAC ARJ21-700
Type Of TravellerBusiness
Seat TypeEconomy Class
RouteJakarta to Kuala Lumpur
Date FlownOctober 2023
Seat Comfort 12345
Cabin Staff Service 12345
Ground Service 12345
Value For Money 12345
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